Nestled in a residential part of Prague 6, Villa Pellé stands as an example of Neo-architecture, surrounded by unique historical buildings. It I situated in a quiet zone yet easily accessible. The large villa’s four renovated floors now serve as a haven for an art gallery, hosting many meetings and cultural events.

Over the past decade, Villa Pellé has firmly established itself on the cultural map of Prague. It has consistently delivered a distinguished exhibition program, presenting prominent figures in contemporary Czech fine art and retrospectives of notable Czech and international fine artists. Our carefully curated dramaturgy aims to appeal to visitors of all ages.

In addition to the exhibition program, Villa Pellé supports a comprehensive educational program for children and schools. Our facilities also provide ample opportunities for educational and leisure activities tailored to the senior public. During the summer months, our large garden and charming café provide a refuge for visitors seeking respite from bustling city streets.


+420 224 326 180



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Villa Pellé


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