Are you interested in becoming a Partner of one of our programs or an exhibition?
Becoming a Partner of the Villa Pellé Gallery entails a deep connection with an institution that represents artistic values both in the Czech Republic and internationally. Dialogue and individuality are fundamental to us, as is openness and respect for your vision of mutual collaboration. We welcome discussions about the final form of the partnership and the benefits you will receive for your generous support as one of our partners.
Our aim is to foster an inspiring environment for gathering, sharing, educating, and inspiring those enthusiastic about illustration, fine arts, design, or architecture, and we invite you to join us in this endeavor!
Join the ranks of our Partners and support us! Only with your help can we continue to deliver equally engaging and high-quality artistic, community, or educational content. Curious about the benefits we offer and the terms of collaboration?
Request a tailored offer, meticulously prepared just for you, by contacting us.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all our partners for their trust and support throughout 2023. It is through their invaluable assistance that we are able to organize and execute our projects. Without such generous help, none of this would have been possible. We deeply appreciate every partnership and hope that joining us brings both new pleasures and challenges. Our projects are made possible by the generous financial support of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the City of Prague, the Municipal District of Prague 6 (which owns the Villa Pellé building), the PPF Foundation, the ČEZ FOUNDATION, FINEP, ČEPS, and many others.
The partners of the accompanying programs are FINEP, ČEPS a.s., and Petra and Václav Jirků.
The partners of the accompanying programs are FINEP, CEPS a.s. and Petra and Václav Jirků.
Are you interested in becoming a Partner of one of our programs or an exhibition?
Becoming a Partner of the Villa Pellé Gallery entails a deep connection with an institution that represents artistic values both in the Czech Republic and internationally. Dialogue and individuality are fundamental to us, as is openness and respect for your vision of mutual collaboration. We welcome discussions about the final form of the partnership and the benefits you will receive for your generous support as one of our partners.
Our aim is to foster an inspiring environment for gathering, sharing, educating, and inspiring those enthusiastic about illustration, fine arts, design, or architecture, and we invite you to join us in this endeavor!
Join the ranks of our Partners and support us! Only with your help can we continue to deliver equally engaging and high-quality artistic, community, or educational content. Curious about the benefits we offer and the terms of collaboration?
Request a tailored offer, meticulously prepared just for you, by contacting us.
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Právnické osoby si mohou od základu daně odečíst hodnotu darů, pokud jejich hodnota činí alespoň 2000 Kč. V úhrnu lze odečíst nejvýše 5 % z již sníženého základu daně. Fyzické osoby si mohou od základu daně odečíst hodnotu darů, pokud jejich úhrnná hodnota v kalendářním roce přesáhne 2 % ze základu daně nebo činí alespoň 1000 Kč. V úhrnu lze odečíst nejvýše 10 % ze základu daně.